Essay On Italian American Culture

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Ethnographic Paper The Italian Festivals and the Italian American Luis M. Figueroa ANT 362 Professor Anna Maria Ross December 18, 2011 During my twenty year career with the United States Army I had the most pleasant opportunity to be stationed in Germany for ten of those years. Germany and its surrounding neighbors have enjoyed a rich culture for many centuries. What I miss most about Germany is not only its rich past and exciting history but the food as well. Europe as a whole has had its shares of turmoil’s throughout the years, but has always come through and allowed us to experience its history and marvel at its splendor and beauty. One country that totally fascinated me to the point that I made numerous trips there, not…show more content…
Boys and girls write letters to her, asking for the presents they want, just as American children write to Santa Claus. The spry old witch slides down chimneys on her broom and always stuffs good children's stockings or shoes with pretty toys, but leaves pebbles, charcoal, or bags of ashes for those who are naughty.” This festive celebration although in January actually starts in Early December with an awesome toy fair which is located in the Piazzo Navona. During this time you can see the toys hanging from the vendor stands, the sweet smells of holiday treats and people laughing and singing fill the air. Throughout towns and villages in Italy celebrations are taking place and people dressed as the three kings travel through the countryside with torches and giving gifts to those in need. This is a very festive time for this country. January is a very busy month wrought with festivities as Carnevale comes in and proceeds up until Ash Wednesday. Carnevale as you can imagine just like in New Orleans is filled willed colorful pageants, masquerades, singing and dancing and so much more. Although this is celebrated throughout Italy, Each little village and town has their own unique way of celebrating. The celebrations usually continue for many hours into the night and usually end with the sounds of fireworks permeating the air. Again Italy is rich with culture and there are numerous festivities and celebrations abound that one will be able to

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