Essay On Irish American Heritage

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Hello, my name is Padraig McBride. I’m an Irish American from the Northeastern part of the United States. My grandparents came to the U.S. with the parents in the 1920’s. My family has a strong belief in our country and our heritage so much so that I was named after my homeland of Ireland. Padraig is the National name for Ireland and the name is defined as “Noble”. I just want to share a little bit about myself with you. This is a photo of my grandfather and his family when they arrived in New York City in 1929. He’s the short and angry looking one in the front in case you’re wondering. Anyways, a lot of my people came to America either by arrangement of reimbursement or as indentured slaves. The minority of my people paid their own fairs. My ancestry has a lot of pride in being Irish and my of them grew up in the ways of the Celtic People who later became known as the Gaels. The process of assimilation has also been helped along by the great migration in recent decades from their ethnics in the cities to the suburbs and rural regions of the United States You can find the history of my…show more content…
Patrick’s Day. March 17 is the feast of St. Patrick, the most important holiday of the year for Irish Americans. St. Patrick, about whose life and chronology little definite is known, is the patron saint of Ireland. A Romano-Briton missionary, St. Patrick is honored for spreading Christianity throughout Ireland in the fifth century. Though Irish Americans of all creeds are particularly prominent on St. Patrick's Day, the holiday is now so ubiquitous that individuals of many other ethnic groups participate in the festivities. Many cities and towns hold St. Patrick's Day celebrations, parties, and, above all, parades. Our country is very proud of its history and of its people, some in which you might have heard of. Babe Ruth and Ben Hogan is the two Irishman who most have heard

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