Little Mikey Kitten

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SHORT STORY Title: Little Mikey Kitten wants to go to the carnival. Little Mikey Kitten stretched tall on his back legs to look out for the open window. He could just see across the street to the bustling of whirling and swirling activity. Pretty colours flashed and danced. Bright lights glittered and twinkled. Loud noises popped and banged. And best of all were the smells that floated in the air right into his window, tickling his whiskers. The carnival had arrived in town! Little Mikey imagined himself going round and round, up and down on the Ferris wheel. Then, he happily thought of the cotton candy all sticky and pink caught in his whiskers and paws. Bobbing for fish in a bowl to win him a prize was his best daydream of all! Little Mikey padded over to Daddy Cat. He was going intently at his daily newspaper. “ Daddy, may I go to the carnival?” asked Little Mikey. “ I am too busy to take you today, Lil’ Mikey. Maybe tomorrow.” Daddy Cat said, without looking up from his tall crinkly paper. With his tail straight up, a bit crooked at the top in a very hopeful way, Little Mikey padded over to Mama Cat who was busily knitting and humming a soft tune. “ Mama, may I go to the carnival?” asked Little Mikey. “ I am too busy to take you today, Lil’ Mikey, and you are too young to go alone.” Replied Mama Cat. “ Oh,” said Little Mikey, his tail now a little lower. He went to his room and played quietly by himself. He pretended to be going round and round, up and down on the Ferris wheel, cotton candy all sticky and pink caught in his whiskers and paws, and bobbing for fish in a bowl. Then he yawned and curled up, drifting off to sleep in a pile of rugs. A little while later, Mama Cat wondered where Little Mikey had gone. She and Daddy Cat looked high and low, over and under, inside and out, but could not find Little Mikey. “ Lil’ Mikey must have gone
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