Essay On Gun Safety

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There are a lot of misconceptions of guns and gun violence due to lack of education and media portrayal. Movies and television shows often display guns violence with no consequences. In a violent movie, we have observed scenes where guns are shot at a person and they escape without any injuries. These unrealistic images are confusing and encourage children to believe there are no consequences to using guns. According to the most recent FBI data, 565 deaths under the age of 18 and 119 deaths under the age of 12 were a result of gun violence (Villet, "Life With Guns: Drawing a Bead on Safety"). Educating children about guns and safety will assist in reducing this number. In teaching gun safety, you teach children how to handle situations with guns, encourage children to question what is on television and teach children skills towards being a responsible adult. These benefits support the growing idea that educating children rather than sheltering them discourages children from improperly using guns. The first lesson learned at a gun range is gun safety. This helps people grasp the dangers of what a gun can do and how to handle it. The basic rules of gun safety are to never put finger on trigger, always point the gun to the ground and always have…show more content…
It is defined by experience and responsibility. Sheltering kids from the realities of the world does not prepare them for real life. If a child does not know about gun violence does not mean it does not exist. Being overly protective of children can harm them from developing sensibilities. Children need to learn at an early age that their actions have consequences. Gun education aligns with this need. Major topics such a death, the law and injuries are covered by gun education and exposes them to responsibilities. This will help develop children to be mature and responsible of their actions taken. It will mature their judgment to understand principals of right and
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