Essay on Ekphrasis

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Ekphrasis essay What is Ekphrasis? Literally it means: “A verbal description of a work of art. It is a direct transcription from the Greek ek, "out of," and phrasis, "speech" or "expression." The poet speaks to a particular and identifiable work of art.” –Mr. Kortman- The Greeks did it thousands of years ago and it is still a popular way for poets to express themselves, by describing another piece of art. In this essay the question of how Ekphrasis works in real life will be answered. A case study will be conducted on Walter de la Mare’s poem: Brueghel's Winter (c. 1902 – 1950). This poem will be analyzed on two aspects; The tone and the perspective. With the help of analyzing the stylistic features and the structure, the eventual question that will be answered is: How does Walter de la Mare write about a topic that someone else has conveyed in images ? Firstly the Tone. The tone of this poem is dark and gloomy. Just as the painting is. It depicts a dark winter landscape that does not show for a lot of love. In the foreground we see some men returning from a hunt with little to show for and although there are people ice-skating in the valley below, the image has e negative ring to it. Just as the painting does. With a lot of short sentences with very negative modifiers in the beginning of the poem such as: Jagg’d, cold, freezing and ink-black. The tone is immediately set and the rest of the poem follows along the same lines. It then goes on into using the metaphor fields in flood to describe the field that has filled with water and frozen solid so people can skate on it. This metaphor literally states the fields have flooded which always sounds negative, but this is done to make sure people could skate on it. So even though this is a happy scene described the use of this metaphor makes it darker. After this we can find a clear example of alliteration

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