Essay On Eddie Mabo

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MABO Student Activities History Senior Secondary - Years 11-12 Q1. Eddie Koiki Mabo is one of Australia’s most significant citizens. Many people regard Eddie as a national hero. Eddie’s activism changed the course of Australia’s political and social history. Go through the Timeline and watch the video MABO The Man to learn about Eddie Koiki Mabo. Select a significant moment in Eddie’s life to research. Write a two-minute speech about this moment from Eddie’s point of view and present it to the class. Q2. When Captain James Cook arrived on the Australian continent’s eastern shore in 1770, he officially claimed Australia as Crown Land in the name of the King of Great Britain; denying the existence of any Indigenous ownership. Watch the documentary…show more content…
The traditional culture of the Meriam people is passed down from one generation to the next by legends, stories and song. One such story is the legend of Malo the Octopus God who created eight clans in his name. View the videos Composing the Music and Writing and Researching to see the significance of this practice. Construct a 250 word essay which outlines aspects of the Indigenous culture of Mer. Q5. Two laws, the tribal Malo Law and the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Act, governed Eddie Koiki Mabo and his community. On Murray Island, during Eddie’s youth, drinking alcohol and having sex out of wedlock were banned. As a young man Eddie was accused of breaking these laws and, as a result, was exiled from the island and, consequently, his family. Explain how Malo Law exercised by the tribal council was integrated with Queensland State Law resulting in Eddie’s exile. Watch the interviews with Jimi Bani (as Eddie) and Rob Carlton (as Paddy Killoran). Q6. As a young man working in northern and outback Queensland, Eddie Koiki Mabo witnessed and experienced racism and inequality. He dedicated his life to fighting for recognition and equality for Indigenous Australians. Investigate methods of protest available to Eddie during the 1970s and 1980s. Using the Timeline and video From Little Things Big Things Grow as your reference, in 200 words describe the platforms available to challenge government decisions and encourage public debate between 1970 and

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