Aboriginal Issues In Australia

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Introduction: The treatment of indigenous Australians by the government has been an issue of contention since White Europeans settled in Australia. In 1770, Lieutenant James Cook claimed the east coast of Australia in the name of Great Britain and named it New South Wales. British colonization of Australia began in Sydney in 1788. In 1788 when the First Fleet arrived in Australia, an estimated 300,000 Aboriginals inhabited the country. What they did not take into account was that Indigenous Australians had been living on the country for many, many years before hand and had formed a deep and spiritual connection to the land, the land that the Europeans were clearing. They were fencing off properties, which cut access to waterholes and hunting grounds. However upon…show more content…
On 3rd June 1992 the court rejected the notion of 'terra nullius'. In December 1993 the Native Title Act put into law what the High Court's Mabo decision had ruled and made native title claims possible. In 1976, Malcolm Fraser, reintroduced a Bill, which was signed by the Governor-General of Australia on 16 December 1976. This Act was put in place ‘providing for the granting of Traditional Aboriginal Land in the Northern Territory for the benefit of Aboriginals, and for other purposes.’ --- The Australian Government is trying to fix the problems that have been here for a very long time. In 1990, ATSIC was established. It was established so Indigenous people could be formally involved in government processes. The Hawke Government believed it to be an important channel for managing Aboriginal affairs. However, the agency was dismantled in 2004 due to corruption allegations and litigation. The Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation was established in 1991 "to improve the relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the wider Australian
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