Essay on Absorbent Mind

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Essay No 3 Discuss the absorbent mind of the child and how and at what stage does the child obtain conscious knowledge? “Within a child is a very scrupulous teacher” Absorbent Mind – Page 5 Small children are endowed with a special psychic nature. This show us a new way of imparting education. Dr Montessori said that the first 6 years of the child’s life are the most important. Education during this period must be a help to the development of the psychic powers inherent in the human individual. The first 2 years furnish a new light that shows the loss of psychic construction. Dr Montessori said, “Because in the child instinct has withdrawn to give place to something higher to the intelligence and will of man”. Montessori said the child learns unconsciously taking in everything around him and actually constructs himself. Using his senses he incarnates or creates himself by absorbing his environment through his very act of living. He does this easily and naturally without thought or choice. The child possesses a pre-determined pattern of psychic unfolding which is not visible at birth. She refers to the child as a ‘Spiritual Embryo’. For this psychic embryo to develop 2 conditions must be fulfilled, first the environment and second the freedom to reveal himself. The child must develop his own powers for reacting to life. Two important factors which aid in the development are the sensitive periods and the Absorbent mind. “Sensitive periods are blocks of time in the child’s life when he is absorbed by one characteristics of his environment. Nature in its plan has devised the sensitive period so as to achieve the construction of the psychic organ and also put an instinct in mother’s that guide them to give protection. Sensitive periods are: 1) Sensitivity to order. The child’s need for order is based on a precise and determined environment. It can be

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