Essay of House on Mango Street

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This is the novella which is called The House on Mango Street, the author Sandra Cisneros tells the story about Esperanza’s life. Esperanza is a girl who grows up in a poor Mexican in Chicago, and then she moved to Mango Street. Through Esperanza’s observations, actually we can see some dreams of her neighborhood. For example, someone dreams is to be the equality between the sexes. Another people dream is to get freedom. Also some people are working hard, try making his family’s life get better. Esperanza also wants to have freedom and independence as same as other people. If you go through the novella, you can observe that through her life, Esperanza is being mature, including her action and thinking from begin to the end and this is related to Childhood Innocence to Adult Realism. Through the novella, we can see her “Personality”, her “Independent Life” and her “Maturity”. And we can see her thinking, her action is getting mature and being active to seek her freedom and be independence. So that I will deep going explain and give some example in the following paragraphs to prove it. First of all, if you keep watching the novella, as the novella progresses, we can found out that Esperanza’s personality changes from a very passive character to a more active one. Firstly, we can see that she is so passive. For example, we can find it on “The First Job”, Esperanza’s family wants her to get a summer job, but she has been spending her whole day to play in the street and her friends, therefore her aunt has found her a job which is matching pictures with negatives at the local photofinishing store, so this chapter symbolizes that Esperanza is being passive. Moreover another example in the same chapter, she is also being so passive and shy as she says “When lunchtime came, I was scared to eat alone in the company lunchroom with all those men and ladies looking, so I ate

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