Esperanza's Relationship with 'The House on Mango Street'

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Esperanza has always aspired to find a way to move away from Mango Street and have a life of her own, free from the troubles of the tough life that she is living. She has seen other women and girls on her street try to get away from their lives using other methods, such as waiting for someone to whisk them away from their lives or to marry into a family or person who lives away to get out of the life they’re living in. Both of them don’t really get anywhere and end up with worse lives than in the first place. Esperanza actually has a major benefit compared to the other kids in her neighborhood; her parents are kind and loving and are willing to do whatever it takes, unlike Sally’s, to give their children a better life than the one that they are living in at the moment. Her mom tells her how she should have gone to school and that Esperanza should study hard in order to fulfill her dream of becoming whoever she wants to be and also give her parents the peace of mind that they are looking for in knowing that they gave their child a better life. Esperanza herself is still determined to leave her area, Mango Street, but has changed her tact a little bit. Earlier in the book, she hated who she was and where she came from and wanted to move away to distance herself and try to forget about that part of her life and personality. Now she has accepted that where she has grown up is a part of her and is sure to remember what has happened here and bring that to her new life. She states that she will house “bums” in her attic because she understands what it is like to not have a home. Her dream is to of course have a house on a hill in the suburbs, but she also realizes that the city is part of who she is and that the people and setting of the suburbs will not understand or work with that method of thinking. The key line of this is when she says that she would gladly let people

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