English Civilization Essay

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EnglishClub.com Food: British Food EnglishClub.com > A. Discuss the following questions with your partner. 1. What is the traditional ‘national dish’ of Britain? 3. What is your opinion of British food? 2. How many other types of British food can you 4. Have you ever been to Britain? If so, what did think of? you eat and what did you think of it? > B. Match the following words with the definitions below. custard bacon rashers cauliflower mustard gravy sausages Yorkshire pudding trifle Brussels sprouts parsnips Cheddar crumble batter pancake chop pickle 1. Large, white, carrot-like root vegetables. Often served roasted, with a roast dinner. 2. A sweet, yellow sauce which is served hot. 3. Slices of meat which come from a pig. Often included in a traditional English breakfast. 4. A white, broccoli-like vegetable with a mild flavour. Sometimes served in a cheese sauce. 5. A thick slice of pork or lamb, on the bone. 6. A thick, tasty relish (savoury sauce) containing pieces of preserved vegetables. 7. A hot (spicy), yellow, thick, condiment, usually eaten with meat. 8. Cylinder-shaped portions of minced meat, which are usually made of pork. 9. A brown, savoury sauce for meat. Served hot. > C. 10. A mixture of eggs, flour and water or milk. Used for coating food before cooking, and for making pancakes and Yorkshire pudding. 11. A small, savoury, ‘cake’ made of batter and baked in an oven. Usually eaten with roast beef. 12. A dessert made of cake, custard and cream. Sometimes contains sherry (fortified wine). 13. Small, round, green, cabbage-like vegetables. 14. A thin, flat ‘cake’ made of batter and fried. Can be folded or rolled up and served with either sweet or savoury fillings. 15. A hot fruit pudding with a mixture of flour and fat on the top, like breadcrumbs. 16. This is a firm, pale yellow cheese which can have a mild or strong flavour. Discuss the

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