England's Influence in Early America

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For centuries, explorers from different nations ventured to North America in hopes of finding gold or civilization. Since nothing of great importance was found, overseas exploration during the first half of the 16th century was inhibited. After a few attempts at colonization in America, England became the first to create a successful colony in 1607, known as Jamestown. Many English colonies began to form after that point as a result of the success of Jamestown. Since England owned these particular areas of the New World, these colonies were very influenced and affected by their mother country. The social faults, political chaos, and economic distress in England during the early colonial years in America played a role in shaping the English colonial experience. The societal issues that were present in England during the 17th century pushed many people to go to the Americas. The overpopulation in England was a major incentive for many to move across the Atlantic. Another reason for migration was the idea of primogeniture, which allowed the eldest son to inherit the wealth; leaving others desperate and in hopes of finding riches overseas. Also, many fled to America to escape peonage or prison. These social concerns in England ended up populating the colonies because people believed they would find a better life in America. The second major way that England shaped the colonies were the English politics. At some points, colonists seemingly were allowed plenty of freedom, while other times they were under strict English rule. This was all dependent on the rule of England. For example, when Charles II took the throne, he focused on control in the colonies but the reign of William and Mary marked the beginning of a half-century of neglect in the colonies. The inconsistent freedom the colonists were given frustrated them and ultimately contributed to the American
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