Ender's Game/ Wicked (Hero's)

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A hero is considered to be someone who is independent, courageous, and determined to do whatever it takes in order to achieve what they believe is right. But they do not always start out this way; they are shaped by their actions and other’s opinions in order to become a hero. In the two texts “Wicked” – a musical and “Ender’s Game” by Orson Scott Card it is depicted that a hero who is manipulated by others can be seen to enhance their heroism by society but not by themselves. Both protagonists from each text are gifted outcasts, whose interaction with others and the world affects their later heroism. In the novel Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, it is established from the beginning that Ender is an outcast. This is first recognised when we find out he is a third child. In the book Card makes out that it is only normal to have 2 children but Ender is an exception. We see Peter his brother bully him because of this. At first limits his heroism, as Ender believes this is true, “like us they keep the little sucker till he’s six years old. When did you loose yours? You were three. I lost mine before I was five. He almost made it, little bastard little bugger” (Pg 10) though later in the book we see Ender using this as a way to enhance his heroism as he wants to prove his brother wrong. Elpahaba is seen as an outcast as she is born with emerald coloured skin, her heroism was limited since she was young as she was looked down on for being different. In the musical at University she becomes frustrated when Madme Morrible decides to separate her and her sister, she begins to yell, “let her go” and she uses her powers to create mayhem. The lights begin to become dim and turn green and the music is low and gloomy. We learn though that she is gifted and has a bright future. This enhances her image, as people begin to see her as being someone who will work with the
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