Identifiable Information Essay

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According Data Protection Act 1998, service users are entitled to know whether any information about them is being held by a care organisation. If it is, they have the right to apply to see and be given access to a copy of the information. The service provider should be registered in accordance with the Act, and there should be one person identified as a ‘controller’ of data who is responsible for processing information. Personal data muse be: • Obtained and processed fairly and lawfully • Held only for one or more lawful purposes specified in the data user’s register entry • Used or disclosed only in accordance with the data user’s register entry • Adequate, relevant and not excessive for those purposes. Some staff may take more or irrelevant information from service user for the reason of…show more content…
They are as follows: 1. Justify and constantly review the purpose of keeping particular information. 2. Patient-identifiable information should only be used if there is no alternative. 3. The minimum amount of identifiable information should be recorded. 4. Access to patient identifiable information should be restricted. Access should only be given where essential and only the essential sections of information should be released. 5. All staff should understand their responsibilities relating to confidential patient information. Staff may encounter ethical dilemma when they know resident is having an affair with another resident and keeping this confidential may be against their moral beliefs. 6. All use of patient identifiable information should be in line with legal requirements. 7. Information refers to all records held which may be contained in paper files, computer records, tape recordings, photographs or even on
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