Electronic Sport In Korea

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Electronic Sport in Korea Many people view games as trivial pursuits and mindless entertainment that waste time and money, while it is the ultimate form of mass media for some. In South Korea, games are very popular, and they love it so much that they even made it an electronic sport (e-sport), which is the same idea as a regular sport except it is a sport through the use of computer games. One of the popular computer games known worldwide is Starcraft, and Korea is known to have the best gamers. They made it into an e-sport, where they broadcast it to two stations; Ongamenet and MBCGame. In these stations, they broadcast what is known as a Starleague viewed by millions of fans. Starcraft was first released in 1998, and it started becoming popular and became a sport officially in Korea in 2002. Pro-gamers started to become organized into teams, who were sponsored by large companies like Samsung, SK Telecom and KTF, and the team names are named after them too, such as KT Rolster. Pro-gamers do not just consist of Koreans and at tournaments; we can occasionally see some Americans participating. However, they rarely had success against Koreans because Koreans were over exceeding in their skills. According to Dictionary.com, the definition of sport is an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, and I would like to add a (professional) sport is something that you can do as long as you want if you are good at it, meaning you do not have to retire if you are able to be in the sport. From the definition we can see that Starcraft does not meet the requirement of physical contacts, but it does indeed meet the criteria of needing a lot of skills and mind involved, and thus making it a sport. And from my added definition, technically, you can be a pro-gamer until you die because your body becoming old that you are not
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