Electronic Medical Record

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During the past few years huge advances have been made in information technology and area of health, various electronic health records have been considered and implemented. Electronic medical record is considered the latest in health care. Electronic medical record is a computerized medical record crreated in an organization that delivers care. Emar tends to be a stand alone health information system that allow storage retrieval and modification of records. World health organization believes that electronic medical record will include all individual health information that provides electronic access during patients admission each time. The need for implementing electronic medical record system has been over several years .IN 2004 President George. W.Bush signed an executive order providing incentives for those hospitals who used health information technology. Then came the American recovery NS reinvestment Act , signed by President Barack Obama in 2009 requires health system to have electronic medical record in place by 2014.And also there would be penalities for the hospitals who do not have electronic medical record in place. Penalities would be reduced reimbursement from centre of medicare and medicaid services. As 2014 is fast approaching it is a challenge for the hospitals. Organizational anfd individual barriers to change could be: Financial- The cost of implementing eletronic medication record system is expensive and it was the question in the minds of organization would it be affordable? Start up cost was the major concern to electronic medication record adoption.On going cost includes long term expenditure for maintainenece , modifying and upgrading system Electronic medication record system.Uncertainity over the return on invetment was a concern for physicians, they believed

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