Ehical Dilemma - Case Vignette

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Introduction This is an analysis of a case that deals with the ethical dilemma of a school counsellor relating to the issue of confidentiality. The situation described here is not uncommon in the context of school counselling. This requires the counsellor to be able to balance the conflicting objectives of retaining the student’s trust for effective therapy, and keeping her legal guardians fully informed to mitigate the risk of a malpractice suit if the client does commit any self-harm. Case Facts Amy is sixteen years old, and is sent to the school counsellor following concerns from her year level coordinator. Amy is finding it difficult to concentrate in class, is continuously late to school, and often arrives to school dishevelled and unkempt. The coordinator is concerned about what may be happening at home with Amy, and that she may be getting involved in a notoriously bad circle of friends in the area known for drug taking and other delinquent activities. Although reluctant during the first few sessions to disclose anything much, Amy begins to trust the counsellor and opens up about her frequent drug use. She says she used to only smoke marijuana, but that now this had increased to weekly party hits of Cocaine and speed. She tells the counsellor that the effects of these drugs is beginning to diminish and that she feels like she has to try something harder like heroin, to gain the same effect. That week the counsellor receives a call from Amy’s parents wanting to know what is going on with their daughter. Stakeholders Though the counsellor and Amy would be the primary people affected by the counsellor’s actions, the other stakeholders who would be affected would be Amy’s parents, the school and the counsellor’s supervisor, if any. Ethical Dilemma The ethical dilemma faced by the counsellor is whether he should breach confidentiality to disclose Amy’s drug
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