Effective Leadership Approaches

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Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management
Kurt Luedtke
Grand Canyon University
Nursing Leadership and Management
Jennifer Turner

Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management
The estimated cost of healthcare in the United States in 2010 was set at 2.7 trillion dollars, which represents over 17% of the gross national product ((U.S. Health care costs, 2012). To address the ever increasing cost of healthcare, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed several value-based purchasing programs (VBP) that rewards hospitals for providing quality care. As of 2013, CMS is using patient satisfaction surveys known as Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) as one of
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4). With all the current changes occurring in the healthcare industry, nursing leadership is critical in instilling confidence and support among staff to meet the challenges poised by the rapid changes in the healthcare industry. Efforts by CMS to increase quality and patient satisfaction as evidenced by the importance of HCAHPS scores highlight effective nursing leadership, as they will use their skills in diagnosing, adapting, and communicating comprehensive initiatives that improve patient satisfaction metrics. Due to the complexity of the healthcare industry it requires leaders who possess high interpersonal relationship skills to encourage and motivate staff in meeting and exceeding patient satisfaction and continuous quality improvement (CQI)…show more content…
31). Nurse managers focus is the health of the unit or institution through effective resource management as opposed to leadership’s focus on creating a vision for the institution. Effective nurse managers are well acquainted with the process of CQI and HCAHPS scores. Key aspects in their role are collection of data, review, and implementing programs to address deficient HCAHPS scores and evaluate process improvement in CQI. Effective managers use their authority with staff not over staff by use participatory decision-making that is base upon the more contemporary human relations management theory The managers use of four core aspects of management: planning, organizing, coordinating, and directing staff is key in implementing new measures to achieve high overall HCAHPS scores that in turn presents improved CQI indicators and revenue for the

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