Eco151 Question Paper

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ECON151 1) The figure above shows the market for gasoline. The government has imposed a tax on gasoline. a. What is the amount of the tax per gallon of gasoline? b. How much tax revenue will government collect from this tax? c. How much of the tax is paid by consumers? How much is paid by producers? Which is more elastic, the supply or demand for gasoline? 2) The above figure shows the domestic supply of and domestic demand for an imported good. The world price is $15 per unit. a. At the world price of $15 per unit, what is the domestic consumption and domestic production? b. At the world price of $15 per unit, what is the quantity imported? c. If the government imposes a tariff of $5 per unit, what is the domestic consumption and…show more content…
With the $5 per unit tariff, what is the quantity imported? e. How much revenue does the government collect with a tariff of $5 per unit? 3) The above figure shows the market for fertilizer. When fertilizer is applied to lawns, it runs off into neighboring streams and ponds, killing fish and creating an external cost. a. What is the equilibrium price and quantity of fertilizer in an unregulated, competitive market? b. What is the efficient quantity of fertilizer? c. Suppose government imposes a tax equal to the marginal external cost. What is the equilibrium price paid by consumers and the equilibrium quantity after implementation of the tax? d. At the output level in part (c), how much is the tax? e. How much tax revenue does government collect? f. What is the deadweight loss borne by society if the externality is left uncorrected? 4) Ronʹs Hamburger Joint is the only restaurant in town. The above figure represents Ronʹs cost, the market demand, and marginal revenue curves. Ron operates as a single -price monopoly. a. How many hamburgers does Ron produce? b. What price does Ron charge for a hamburger? c. What is Ronʹs total revenue? d. What is his total cost? e. What is Ronʹs economic

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