Eco 100 Strayer Test Bank Paper

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ECO 100 Strayer Test Bank All Chapters included with answers. Purchase here: Need Help with Final Exams? Midterm Exams? Visit and search from a large catalog of midterm and final exams. We have assignments, quizzes, homework problems and test banks for many Strayer courses. We provide top notch homeworkhelp assistance for Strayer University Students. For Final Exams visit: For Midterm Exams visit: For Test Banks visit: For Complete Classes visit: For any further assistance, send us an email at:…show more content…
One factor which was responsible for roughly one-third of hybrid vehicles purchased in 2007 was an increase in the price of gasoline. The increase in sales due to higher gasoline prices describe the economic concept of A) using assumptions to simplify. B) ceteris paribus. C) marginal thinking. D) rationalself interest. 15) Recall the application. The average cost of abating one ton of CO2 emissions through the hybrid subsidy is $177, but a switch from coal to natural gas in power plants would reduce CO2 emissions at less than one-third the cost of the hybrid subsidy. The increase in cost associated with the reduction of one ton of CO2 emissions (assuming that each unit of CO2 emissions is measured in tons) describes the economic concept of A) using assumptions to simplify. B) ceteris paribus. C) marginal thinking. D) rationalself interest. Recall the Application about unwanted commercial e-mail, or spam, to answer the following question(s). 16) Recall the application. The economic approach to spam is to A) establish a price for commercial e-mail. B) ignore the spam issue because it has no economic…show more content…
B) microeconomics. C) managerial economics. D) market economics. 2) Microeconomics is best described as the study of A) the choices made by individual households, firms, and governments. B) inflation, unemployment, gross national product, and the nation's economy as a whole. C) how markets interact in the aggregate economy. D) marginal changes in the economy. 3) Which of the following is a microeconomic question? A) Should companies pay for employees' health insurance? B) Why do some countries have higher economic growth rates than other countries? C) Should Congress and the president take action to reduce the unemployment rate? D) Should the Fed attempt to influence the interest rate to control potential inflation? 4) Which of the following is a microeconomic question? A) Should the government decrease unemployment benefits to reduce the unemployment rate? B) Why do some countries have higher inflation rates than other countries? C) Should the government subsidize corn farmers to encourage the production of ethanol? D) Should congress decrease taxes to help stimulate the economy? 5) Microeconomics helps explain economic fluctuations, why the economy shrinks and expands and why some of the economy's resources are
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