Early Marriage (My Writing Assignment)

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Early Marriage Graft and corruption, high crime rate, poverty and territorial dispute with foreign countries. These are some problems facing by our country but I am concern with the problem of many teenagers, it is early marriage. Early marriage or child marriage refers to a marriage wherein the persons involved were not on their exact ages of a marriageable couple, it is frequently and often before puberty. In some cases only one marriage-partner is a child and they were usually females. And in some worst cases the females were actually pregnant that they consider marriage as a solution. At some point the females involved in early marriage were already physically and psychologically abuse by the time they were engage on that early marriage. Both boy and girl, early marriage has devastating physical, emotional, and intellectual consequences. It ends the child’s chances of pursuing education or exploring professional opportunities. There were possibilities that the couple who were married at their young age struggles in facing the hardships and difficulties of life. Without learning and knowing what a married life was. It is considerable that this wedded couple was not yet ready to face the difficulties of what married life was. (UNICEF) In many parts of the world, one of the main causes of early marriage is a gratification for overcoming the family’s financial and social needs, in short, it’s because of poverty. For example, in the countries like India, Bangladesh and some parts of Africa, girls are forced into marriage by their families while they are still children in the hope that marriage will benefit them both financially and socially. But here in the Philippines, they forced children into marriage because of early pregnancy. In our culture, we need to face the realityand the obligations of being a parent even you are in underage. In this case, you

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