Dying To Be Thin Research Paper

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Dying to be Thin Melanie Hogan HCA 415 Professor Clark April 15, 2013 Dying to be Thin Living in a society that is infatuated with being thin and sex appeal, it is obvious why eating disorders are so prominent in the United States. Food- related disorders including Bulimia, binge eating, and food phobias are becoming more common, but the leading eating disorder in the United States is Anorexia Nervosa (Anorexia for short). Anorexia is a severe eating disorder, in which an individual drastically reduces their calorie intake to the point of starvation. Although, Anorexia can affect anyone of any color at any time in their life, its primary target is adolescent and young adult females. The cause of this disorder is unknown, but people…show more content…
“Restrictive Type” represents individuals who lose weight primarily by reducing their overall food intake through dieting, fasting, and/ or exercising excessively. “Binge- Eating/ Purging Type” refers to those who binge (consuming a large amount of food in a short period of time) and purges through self- induced vomiting, excessive exercise, abusing diuretics and/ or laxatives, fasting or a combination of any of these methods (Ostroff, 1999). By defining the difference between the two types of Anorexia, it has cleared up a lot of confusion of diagnosing individuals who meet all of the criteria for Anorexia, yet also engages in binging and purging, which is typically Bulimic behavior. Anorexics are often branded as vain, appearance- obsessed people who do not know when to quit dieting. However, Anorexia is not about beauty at all; it is a complex problem with deep roots that begins as an innocent, creative way of coping with difficult circumstances (Ostroff,…show more content…
Before a woman begins to look extremely thin, damage has already began inside the body. Most young women stop having a menstrual cycle well before serious weight loss sets in. This can have a long term effect on their ability to have children. Bone loss can occur as soon as six months after anorexic behavior begins. Bone loss is the most irreversible attribute of Anorexia. Virtually no part of the body is protected from Anorexia. About half of Anorexics have low white- blood counts, while a third have Anemia. Both conditions lower the immune system’s defense to disease, leaving them prone for infection (Shaw, 2005). The most life- threating damage that is done, is the destruction it causes on the heart. As the body loses muscle mass, it loses heart muscle as well. This means that the heart gets smaller and weaker. It gets worse at increasing circulation after exercise blood pressure and pulse gets lower. Heart damage is the most common reason for hospitalization in Anorexics (Shaw, 2005). Anorexia also has the highest death rate of all mental illnesses. “Between 5% and 20% of people who develop the disease eventually die from it” (Shaw,

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