Dove Case Study

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Dove Case Study 1. What is a brand? Why does Unilever want fewer of them? Branding is a device used to help shape a consumer’s perception of and experience with a product. A brand is the collection of graphics, names, catchphrases, and logos that helps consumers differentiate one company’s product from another’s (Lamb et al. 170). A brand can include all products produced by a company in family branding or encompass one product line out of many in individual branding (Lamb et al.180). Marketers use branding to make a product more distinct in relation to its competitors, accumulate repetitive sales, and have consumers loyal to the brand buy new products the brand releases (Lamb et al. 170). Unilever decided to reduce their number of brands in order to gain better control over their product images and form a better harmony between brands in the same product category. In the past, there were many brands anchored in different geographic areas and each brand’s direction was decided by the area’s brand manager, which allowed for differences in product direction. The company launched their “Path to Growth” plan in 2000 to decrease their 1600 brands to 400 in five years so that a few remaining brands can develop into “Masterbrands”(Deighton 2). A masterbrand usually includes a line of products with a promise or representation of quality (“Definition: Masterbrand”). These Masterbrands will give the company more control over their brands and provide each product under the brand with more attention around the world. Under this plan, Unilever could focus more time and resources on fewer brands globally rather than spread out their time and resources over a decentralized variety of brands. 2. What was Dove’s market positioning in the 1950’s? What is its positioning in 2007? In the 1950’s, Dove focused on the functional benefits of its soap, the beauty bar (Deighton
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