Does Negative Actions Affect The Whole Force?

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Have you ever looked around and thought every police officer you saw was corrupt. Or just the opposite that every officer you saw was just one of the best. Well I believe that most likely you were thinking every officer was corrupt. I believe this is because the negative actions of some police affect the image of the entire police force more than the positive actions. I believe this first because when something negative is said in an article or news report the author does not sought out the officer who did the negative action they just simply say the name of the police force. I believe this secondly because police and political corruption feed off each other, which is a known opinion by most (,2004). The third reason I believe the negative actions seem to out weight the positive actions in most situations. I believe that when something negative is said in an article or in a news report the author or news caster does not seek out the officer who did the negative action they simply say the name of the force. Though when an officer does something positive they give that person recognition and that’s the end of it and the public never hears about it again. A peer of mine does not believe this she says “No, because the action of one officer do not reflect the action of the actions of the whole force. You can’t let one bad apple spoil the bunch” (personal interview). Though a question I have for you is, can that one bad apple make the whole bunch look displeasing? I believe secondly people believe police and political corruption feed off each other, which is a known opinion by most (,2004). This means a lot of people already believe that the negative actions of an officer will over ride the positive in the entire police force. People don’t look for the positive to feed off each other but the negative. This positive can

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