Does Human Activity Causes Harm to the Earth and Its Environment?

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For many years mankind have been developing all kinds of technology to make their lives safer and more comfortable. From the day we started, we do make a progress on living qualities and such progress is supposed to make our lives better on this planet. However, it must be recognized, that the progress has been reaching by a huge price: destruction of the Earth. It feels like human cannot understand, that natural resources are not endless. For instance, people deforest grown trees without planting young trees. Deforestation means the felling and clearing of forest cover or tree plantations in order to accommodate agricultural, industrial or urban use. It involves permanent end of forest cover to make that land available for residential, commercial or industrial purpose. Due to massive trees clearance, various species of animals are lost. They lose their habitat and forced to move to new location; besides, many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes. It is undeniable that deforestation itself has extreme effect on Global warming and hurts the air. Global warming means that air and ocean temperature is increasing. Greenhouse gases exist primarily because of human activity. Unfortunately, humans are the most polluting species on the planet. Pollution occurs at different levels and it doesn't just impact our planet; it impacts all species, including mankind, who dwell on it. We pollute water with chemicals and waste products from factories.Water pollution has led to a decrease in the number of various aquatic animals. Several aquatic life forms are on the verge of extinction. Vehicles, trains and planes emit toxic gases, creating air pollution. The facts listed above reflect only several points of destroying human’s activity to the Earth and environment. It is important to remember, that the Earth is our common home and at the same time a
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