Do You Agree with the View That the Great War Resulted in a Revolution in the Art of Warfare for the British Army?

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Do you agree with the view that the Great War resulted in a revolution in the art of warfare for the British army? Throughout the First World War, there were numerous technological and tactical advances, many of which had not been seen or used by military forces before. Between the start of the war in 1914 and the end of the war in 1918, the changes in tactics and technology was huge, thus creating a new never before seen type of warfare. From looking at the sources, we can see both sources 7 and 8 agree with the view that the Great war resulted in a revolution in the art of warfare, whereas source 9 disagrees. As we see in source 7, Captain D. Kelly states ‘The attack gave a striking proof of the also make mentions of the advancements of the British army’. By 1916 the British military were using tanks for the first time ever in Flers. We see in source 8 Gordon Corrigon state the numerous ways in which the military improved: “Tanks, mechanicals transports, indirect fire by artillery, trench mortars’. This evidently backs up source 7 as both sources 8 and 8 mention all of the various tactical and mechanical advances. This backs up information we already know in that the British army learnt from its defeats at the very start of the war, for example the battle of Mons. It can be argued however that source 7 is written by a Captain within the British army, which provides the possibility of a more favourable account of the advances. This can be countered though, as Kelly was indeed a primary source. This shows that both sources 7 and 8 agree to a fair extent that ‘The Great War resulted in a revolution in the art of warfare for the British army’. In source 9, we see John Laffin, a British historian state: “The British army was not most advanced and eager in new tactical ideas” this shows that the theory of the officers can be seen to be correct, in that at the
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