Do You Agree with the View That, by 1940, the Main Obstacle to Indian Independence Was Not British Imperialism, but the Divisions Within India?

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The partitions within India of the various parties made coming to an agreement on independence even more difficult as the Indians, (consisting of predominately the Indian national congress and the Muslim League) could not come to an agreement within the country as to who would be in charge. British Imperialism held no strength next to the “fight” going on amongst the various Indian divisions. However the British did see this as a point where they could strengthen their hold on India by arguing that if they could not settle things amongst themselves how could they possibly think to run the country without difficulties. Sources 15 and 17 support the statement, both arguing that the Muslim community would have to be taken into account for true Independence to be achieved. However source 16 states that the British themselves were reluctant to grant India independence. When the British PM, Neville Chamberlain, declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939, the Viceroy, Lord Linlithgow, followed him. He was acting just within the limits of his legal powers to do this without consulting any Indians. This indicated that Britain was still behaving as a master and called into question any of its previous concessions. This furthered the Indian’s desire for independence but they were still faced with the challenges of overcoming the divisions within India. Members of Congress were appalled by this high-handed action, although they also sympathized with Britain’s fight against Fascism. As shown in throughout the war. The main opposition to India’s independence from the British came from one faction of the Conservative Party which later formed itself into the Imperial Defense League. As told in source 16. Members of Congress were appalled by this high-handed action, although they also sympathized with Britain’s fight against Fascism. Gandhi urged Britain to negotiate peacefully

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