Do You Agree That Animals Can Be Friends

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Do you agre that animals can be called great communicators? Are they better than people? Communication is an adaptation that helps animals and humans survive. Communication can be auditory, visual, tactile or chemical (tastes and smells!) Animals use communication to attract mates, warn off predators, mark territory and to identify themselves. All humans have the ability to communicate with animals and our animals are great communicators! Observation of an animals behavior is perhaps the most common way that people pick up information about their pet. Actually I can not talk about all animals, because I don’t have an experience of communication with wild animals, but I have dogs, so I will write about them and about pets at all. I think, that wild animals have their own world, where people are strange. But I think that we can communicate with every animal, because we also are animals and our pets are kind of wild animals. So, I agree with the opinion, that animals can be called great communicators and are better than people. How I was mentioned I will write about dogs and I think that those people, who don’t have pets will disagree with me. I like dogs more than most people. Why? I can explain. Firstly, your dog or cat doesn't get bored of your long stories and doesn't start typing on a IPhone in the middle of a conversation. They are great listeners, they look right at you with a look of concern when you tell them about your rotten day and the guy that cut you off and the rude lady who injured your day. Secondly, dogs always think you look good, no matter what you wear. They never think you look fat in ANYTHING and never notice when you gain weight, unlike SOME people. Thirdly, dogs have unconditional love for you. In fact, your pet is pretty happy with you as long as you put food on the floor a few times a day. Dogs always devoted to his owner and you can

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