Do People Believe In The Devil Essay

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The world might praise and honour you for your knowledge which is not knowledge at all as it is a deception of the devil. The devil has a large following among the educated and the elites. These distinguished people are so blind to the truth that they do not even know what is the meaning of the word ‘truth’? These people speak eloquently about nothing, and they pride themselves on the miseducation they have received from the devil. The devil also encourages people to hide behind the law and other governing systems of the world There are two kinds of Christians, those who are obedient to the word of God and those who hide behind the laws that have been promulgated by governments. We are members of the kingdom of God who lives on earth,…show more content…
It is easy to see why they believe in the devil. Their rejection of Jesus and His authority is the evidence that they believe in the devil, the devil is their master. When someone rejects Jesus, he is automatically following the devil. They might reject God the Son out of ignorance but the truth stands, by rejecting God they have chosen the devil over God. There is something interesting about atheists. They are all products of our education system which rejects God and embraces the devil. The governing systems of the world belongs to the devil. Many governments are following secular humanism which is a religion that opposes God. They might hide their colour but secular humanism exposes them as the adherents of the devil. Every system of government is associated with secular humanism. Our education system is a humanistic education system. They claim it is a secular education, but they are lying because humanism is not free of religion, it is religion on its own. It is a religion that rejects God and promotes the devil. There is a lot of deception in our education system. Our governments have taken Jesus out of the school assemblies, and religious education is no longer taught at schools across the world. They have taken out God from their education system, but their curriculum is full of their religion. Their education is more religious than it is science. Moreover, there is no subject that does not promote their

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