Do Computers Negatively Affect Student Growth

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Johnathon Huntley December 5, 2012 Do Computers Negatively Affect Student Growth This issue, “Do Computers Negatively Affect Student Growth” at first sounded like the easiest issue to feel one way about. Before reading or discussing the issue I automatically said NO Computers do not Negatively Affect Student Growth. Lowell Monke made valid points on how it takes away from the basics of learning. For example, being able to read and spell is something that is able to be avoided. Computers have programs that will pronounce words and correct the word spelling. That takes away from a child learning the basics to understand how to do things on their own. Math is another issue. Kids and some adults don’t know how to do basic math problems without a calculator. On the other had we have Fredrick M. Hess, feels that computers can help with innovation and reinvention in education. Rather than learning with basic teaching students have a new way of learning that may be different from what we are used to. Adults and kids have access to learn Spanish on a computer. Studies have shown that it’s the easiest and fastest way to learn as well. In the article, “Are We Becoming Cyborgs?” I think that touch a lot of good points. They mainly focus on the time we spend on the internet and the amount of internet user in the world. We might abuse the internet, but I think the internet helps your mind grow as well. Any question that pops in to our head can be answered within a matter of seconds. I believe we need to continue to learn the basics and not be introduced to the internet until high school. We have to continue using our brain to know how to solve problems that may be presented in life without technology as an assistant.

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