Discuss Whether Taxation Is the Most Effective Solution to the Market Failures Arising from Negative Externalities. [18 Marks]

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Negative externalities occur when social costs are more than a private cost. Governments may usually intervene when negative externalities arise, this is to tax demerit goods, which are goods that have negative externalities and are over produced in an economy. However, the government may find other solutions much more useful, for example; they find it more effective to subsidise merit goods, goods giving out positive externalities and also provide more information about the effects of demerit goods to discourage them. If markets were over producing demerit goods, those selling those goods such as firms would be taxed, so raw materials for the goods may be more expensive or possibly the machinery. This would increase the costs and result in the firms passing on the costs to the consumers, this would increase the prices of the goods causing negative externalities and discourage them from being bought. If there is an over production in the goods due to negative externalities, it means (s) has shifted to (s1). Which results in too many goods being supplied out to the public. The prices are also very low which makes it easier for them to buy goods, especially those with lower income. At the point the social cost [s1] is not taken into account only the private cost is. They are only thinking of their profits. However, if a good is to be taxed, it would increase the prices of the good for the consumers, which would mean p increases to p1 and as a result d shifts to d1 to the left. The demand is decreased. (diagram showing this- didn’t do it on word) On the contrary, if goods such as cigarettes have been taxed and prices increase, the demand would not have been affected by a great load, this is due

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