Discuss the Nature of Relationship in Different Cultures.

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Discuss the nature of relationship in different cultures. Most Western countries have individualistic cultures whereas most non-western countries have collectivist cultures so as many studies regarding relationships are carried out in western studies therefore it can be suggested that those studies are culturally bias as culture is one of the factor that are more likely to influence how relationships are forms, perceived and maintained. (Moghaddam, 1993). However Allgiert et al (1994) findings have suggested that the relationship differences found in a range of cultures may not be a product of Western versus non-Western differences or individualistic versus collectivist cultures but may be a product of increasing urbanization in societies around the world. For this reason, Japanese students didn’t want to marry someone they didn’t love like American students but Russian students were less concerned with romantic love so even though Japan and Russia both have collectivist cultures as Japan is more industrial so its values are more similar to individualistic cultures. In contrary, this study only represented three countries and may not therefore be represented of other individualistic and collectivist cultures. As in may individualistic cultures, people enjoy geographical and social mobility so they are free to interact with a relatively large number of people on a daily basis so there is a greater choice of potential partners when forming a relationship. On the other hand collectivist cultures offer less geographical and social mobility and so individuals have less choice with whom they interact with therefore suitable romantic partners are smaller. Hence it is more normal to have marriages arranged by your family which can be considered to be the unison between families than between partners. Therefore divorce rates differ between cultures with individualistic
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