Discrimination In Health Care

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Discrimination in health care Administrative Ethics Concerning Discrimination HCS/335 - HEALTH CARE ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY GAIL GARREN Discrimination in Health Care Discrimination in health care is an ethical issue centered on age, income, obesity, and mental illness. Though much appears to be happening in the way of clarifying the legality of the discrimination in health care, it seems to be a futile effort at best. Elderly patients find themselves facing death boards or doctors who are not interesting in hearing their medical complains. A person’s ability to pay for a health insurance and health services currently rations health services to the middle-income families who cannot pay for health care. The stigma a mental health issues often keep the mentally ill from seeking treatment for their illnesses. Those who are overweight in the United States of America are often discriminated against sometime is overt comments and sometimes blatantly by the public and by health care workers. It is the health care system manager’s jobs to seek out this discrimination and train staff to act according to the ethical demands of health care workers to provided equal care to all patients. The "Is National Health Insurance Socialized Medicine?” (2011) website “rationing in U.S. health care is based on income: if you can afford care, you get it; if you can’t, you don’t. A recent study by the prestigious Institute of Medicine found that 18,000 Americans die every year because they don’t have health insurance.” The ability of an individual to pay for the services available has made the receipt of care a precarious situation correction is as simple as correcting accounting principles to decrease the amount of health care dollars spent in the administrative department to help the money go further and offer services to those who are unable to pay from them.

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