Dirt Bikes USA: Goals And Culture

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Dirt Bikes USA Daniel Fendlason Allison Lauer Patrick Leclair Drew Nelson Table of Contents Goals and Culture…...……………………………………………………………….page 2 Organization of Company……………...……………………………………………page 3 Sales and Products…………………………………………………………………...page…show more content…
As mentioned previously, they can easily create websites open to the public to advertise their products. They can provide information about the company and attract new people to their variety of products. Another advantage is the use of ecommerce and e-money, allowing consumers to pick out items and purchase them directly over the Internet, saving time, paperwork, and providing quick response time to their customers. Intranets can help many departments at the Dirt Bikes Company. First, providing employee financial information, pay records, and even benefits information on one site can greatly assist the Human Resource department. They can even make this information available to each employee, through the use of a virtual private network. The production department may use intranet technology to use online chatting or group emails to provide more efficient communication among different levels of production. Sales and marketing departments could create websites to advertise their products, or even create databases to measure the amount of visitors they have daily, or weekly. They may also be able to monitor the demographics of those people who are purchasing which products, or even watch the amount of competitor products that are similar and are being purchased. It is clear to see how Internet tools and intranets can greatly increase production over a variety of departments within a…show more content…
Some of the most crucial steps of process include the source, the make, and the deliver of the items. If suppliers cannot fulfill orders for components, distributors will to other companies that can fulfill the requirements and time deadlines. Some alternative fuel tank suppliers for motorcycles include: https://www.bikebandit.com. This company is a certified company that sells fuel tanks from dirt bikes to snow mobiles. The cost for a standard dirt bike fuel tank is $241.65. Standard ground shipping over $200 is $6.00. This makes for a total of $247.64 to the dirt bike destination of Carbondale, Colorado. The second sight is http://www.jcwhitney.com, which sell machine part for motorcycles and automobiles. The cost for a standard dirt bike fuel tank is $72.99 with standard shipping in 24 hours for $11.99. This makes for a total of $84.98 to Carbondale, Colorado. J.C. Whitney supplier has a much shorter time for expected delivery, and a much lower cost. Which is a price difference of $156.40 dollars. High Jump Supply Chain Advantage suite and Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 are two dirt bike management software tools. High Jump Software clients have robust integration to achieve real-time, seamless information exchange between the two systems. This is critical to today's businesses, which must unify business processes across the warehouse

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