Dinosaurs- When Did Dinosaurs Exterimated?

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When do you think the dinosaurs were extinct? Most of people in the world believe and learn that the dinosaurs were exterminated about 65 million years ago by volcano eruption or asteroid impact. However, most of the proofs of these theories are not precise. There is creation theory, and it defends that the dinosaurs were existed even a few hundred years ago. Proofs of the creation theory, such as the flood, and other general information, such as Grand Canyon back up the existence of dinosaurs, and those proofs are mostly precise. The first evolution theory that most of people believe is the volcanoes’ eruption. According to the Korean Internet News, “About the end of the period of when dinosaurs were existed, a lot of main volcanoes erupted because of the moving of the earth’s crust.” (“Dinosaurs) As the volcanoes erupted, the dust from the volcanoes made a huge dust cloud, (Weems) and it block the sun’s light and heat. Because of that, the earth’s temperature suddenly went down, and the planktons and some land animal’s organism could not photosynthesis, and died a lot. (When) Those organisms are at the bottom of the food chain, so automatically, the food chain will break out. Again, because of the volcanoes, the temperature went up suddenly, and because of the hot and dry air, most of plants dried and died. As the many plants died and water dries out, most of vegetarian dinosaurs died, and the dinosaurs that eats vegetarian dinosaurs died. (Dinosaurs) According to the, Gerta Keller, the scientist in the Princeton University, a lot of sulfur dioxide was founded at the K-T line that is created when the time the dinosaurs were exterminated is, and at the K-T line, they could find a lot of fossils of dinosaurs, and 70% of living things were exterminated. (Lee) Next Theory that most people know is the asteroid theory. This theory was come out with Lewis Alberlez

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