Different Sociological Theories Can Have Various Explanations for the Same Phenomenon

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Different sociological theories can have various explanations for the same phenomenon In this paper I will explain how different sociological theories can have various explanations for the same phenomenon. For example, we will explore crime rates in the US and I will show how three sociological theories—symbolic interactionism, functionalist theory and conflict theory—would explain the kind, distribution, or changing crime rates in the US. By the definition symbolic interactionism analyzes society by addressing the subjective meanings that people impose on objects, events, and behaviors. Subjective meanings are given primacy because it is believe that people behave based on what they believe and not just on what is objectively true. Thus, society is thought to be socially constructed through human interpretation. We can take homicides for the example. Many killer believe that they have done something good or that they have done favor to the victim(s) by killing them. Take for example recent case of Julie Schenecker's who killed two teenage daughters believing that she is saving them from mental illness. Functionalism interprets each part of society in terms of how it contributes to the stability of the whole society. The parts all depend on each other. It is believed by functionalist that crime is necessary for a society. Crimes point to the other members of the society what is wrong and what is right. Crime helps economy by creating a jobs for law enforcement officers, psychiatrists, probation officers, etc. It also proofs that government does not have full control over USA citizens. By decreasing crime rates in the USA we can improve security of the country and make citizens feel safer, but on the other hand it will decrease work load of the law enforcement. When analyzing crime rates by conflict theory we can notice that conflict theorist believe that
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