Dev Oral Speech

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BASIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART So we all know the basic structure of the heart. It consists of four chambers. Right atrium receives blood back from the circulatory system and blood is then pumped to the right ventricle then through the systematic system where blood is enriched with oxygen and the oxygenated blood is returned back to the left atrium and pumped around the body through the left ventricle. Initially the right and left atriums are separated by a wall called the septum. Similarly, right and left ventricle are separated by a another muscular septum. These barrier stops oxygenated blood from mixing with deoxygenated blood. Normal closure of the septum occurs in three steps: - Downward growth of the ridges forming the outlet septum - Growth of the endocardial cushions forming the inlet septum - Growth of the muscular septum forming the apical and midmuscular portions of the septum [COMPARISON IMAGE] So to introduce our main discussion, here is an image of a healthy heart and a heart with ventricular septal defect. To give you a brief idea of where this defect occurs, you can see a whole at the barrier which is the septum. Samantha will now talk more thoroughly about how this occurs. [AFTER SAMS DISCUSSION OF WHAT IS VSD AND CAUSES] So to sum up what has been said about VSD, by going back to this image before we can see now that unoxygenated mixes with the oxygenated blood at the point where there is a hole. SYMPTONS In the infant, loud heart murmurs can be heard from the left side of the heart this is caused by the VSD where blood is shunted with high pressure from the left ventricle to right ventricle Left ventricle begins to fail within infant from 1 – 6 months tachypnea is simply abnormal fast breathing rate tachycardia is a disorder of the heart rate or heart rhythm, such as beating too fast [HOW IT IS DIAGNOSED] Most
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