Detail Oriented Skills of Medical Office Management

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Imagine walking into a medical clinic, checking in at the front desk, waiting to see a physician. Staff members are asking questions regarding medical history and writing down the information given. Thinking quietly, why do they need all this information, who views the records, and who maintains all of the patient medical records? Medical office managers maintain data for accuracy and completeness of medical records and insurance processing. These responsibilities requires a manager to gather information from physicians and other staff members. With all the information coded and on file, a manager will be able send out accurate billing statements to insurance companies and patients. In order to be successful in the accuracy of medical records, coding and billing, and insurance processing, students who are seeking an Associates of Applied Science in Medical Office Management must acquire detail oriented skills. Mastering this skill will not only further ones career, but help simplify their responsibilities and keep them organized. According to Kaplan University (n.d.), medical office managers must be competent in medical records management, billing and coding, and insurance processing. Medical office managers, also known as medical practice managers or medical practice administrators, oversee single and multiple medical offices within the same company. A manager’s responsibilities can vary depending upon the type and size of the medical practice, along with the structure of management. (Medical Office Manager Job Descriptions & Career Opportunities, n.d.). Whether in a large facility clinic or a small medical office, managers are responsible for the overall business operations. In a larger setting, the manager oversees an administration staff consisting of medical receptionists, billing and coding specialists, and medical records technicians. In a smaller

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