Destined to Fail: Bigger Thomas

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Think of a world where stereotypes are fact and reality is a myth. Think of a world where In order to survive a game must be played, rules become a character to survive, and never believe that victory is obtainable. This is the world of Bigger Thomas an African-American male in the nineteen twenties. This world was carefully crafted by Richard Wright. Richard Wright gives the audience insight into the mindset and circumstances of blacks in America, through the experiences (good and bad, rising and falling) of Bigger Thomas. Through his carefully crafted novel, Native Son, Richard Wright shows that the world around Bigger Thomas contributes to his mental instability and animal like behavior. The novel contributes Bigger’s mental instability to the factors, of having to play two different roles depending on the world he is in. Bigger in the world of African America’s or the “Black Belt” then he is assertive and aggressive. In the world of whites Bigger is submissive and fearful. Then there is also the factor of the looming fear, presence, and pressure of the whites that contributes to Bigger’s mental instability and animal like behavior. Native Son is a narrative novel that allows for the audience to get an in depth into societal discriminations, and practices. Bigger Thomas are the windows that audience looks through and the speakers from which the audience hears. The novel takes place in Chicago. Bigger after interacting acting with his friends and family (in a negative manner), he then goes to receive a job offer from the Daltons, a wealthy and white family. The novel then goes on to show how the conflicting emotions, the need to be submissive and the need to assertive, collapse into a violent spiral in which Bigger murders two women. This collapse is due to the fact that Bigger can’t deal with the conflicting emotions (submissiveness and assertiveness) and the
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