Describe The Characteristics And Causes Of Challenging Behaviour Essay

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P1: Describe the characteristic and causes of challenging behaviour In this assignment I will defined the word challenging behaviour and describe the characteristics and causes of challenging behaviour. These are Physical abuse, Verbal abuse and Self- Destructive behaviour. Challenging behaviour has been used to refer to the “difficult” or “problem” behaviours which may be shown by children or adults with a learning disability including Aggression (e.g. hitting) Self injury (e.g. eye poking ,hand biting, head banging) Destruction ( e.g. throwing objects) Challenging behaviour can take place anywhere. It can occur in any care environment and affect individual with a range of clinical conditions, such as dementia, delirium, head or brain injury, tumour, substance abuse, mental health condition and learning disabilities Physical Abuse: Basically involves a person using physical force which causes, or could cause harm. It can include: scratching or biting, pushing or shoving, slapping, kicking, chocking or strangling, use of weapons. In severe cases, physical abuse can end up in disability, medical problem and long term issues will arise. Physical abuse leaves mental scars for the individual who have suffered abuse and may…show more content…
It is certain that, health professionals working in health and social care will experience challenging behaviour in there line of work when challenging behaviour is present. There are many strategies health professionals can use when dealing with challenging behaviour to minimise it. When working in the health and social care setting, staffs does use coping strategies. A coping strategy means a behaviour that helps the individual to function better in a given situation. As a carer, try to understand why the individual or the person you look after is behaving in this way. For example, they might feel anxious or bored, or in

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