Describe How Internet Works

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The Impact of Communications Technology on Business How the internet works. (P1) | Give a brief description, which could include diagrams, of the internet and the worldwide web and how they operate. (Internet as a network, servers, types of connections to the internet, internet service providers (ISPs), worldwide web (www), protocols, domain names, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Internet Society (ISOC)).How the internet works?Internet is a global connection of networks. These networks connect together in many different ways to form the single entity the Internet. The name INTERNET comes from the idea of interconnected networks. The internet has grown from four host computer systems to billions since its invention. No single governing body has a control over what happens to the internet.The diagram on left indicates the two computers are connected to the internet with IP address (Internet Protocol). The X computer with an IP Address and Y computer with an IP Address The internet in between connects both computer X and Y. A protocol shows a way of interacting. The internet works as server. The computer is a server that provides data to other computer. It also serve data to LAN and WAN over the internet. To work on the internet for various purposes, a software known as Browser is needed such as Internet Explorer, Firefox etc. A network is a connection of two or more computers connected together. The two main categories of networks are LAN and WAN. LAN is a local area network and it connects computers in one geographical area for example in a school or college. Whereas WAN is a wide area network and covers a large geographical area for example any network with communications link across the world. Internet is a WAN. The following are the diagrams of LAN and WAN. | | Host computers on the internet will act as either clients or servers. When
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