Demographic Affect Health Care And Social Differences

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Demographic Paper Charmayne Lloyd HCS 490 December 5, 2011 Instructor Jacqueline Leff Demographic Paper Targeted Population As the world began to hear the words AIDS everyone thought that it was only a gay man disease. No one was the least expectant of the severity of how easy it is for the disease to infect another person and this soon change the world’s opinion of the disease, when heterosexual people became infected. It is noted that the first people to contract the disease live in parts of Africa, but soon AIDS cases where to showing up on the door step of practically every country. The disease infected everyone who came in contact with an infected individual, and it does not discriminate. Millions of people became…show more content…
These factors are: Hale (2011), "• new family patterns catalyzed by high divorce rates and increasing out-of-wedlock childbearing; • shifts in income distribution with widening income disparities between the poorest and richest households; • increasing racial and ethnic diversity of the U.S. population” (para. 1). For example, a newly divorced mother of two will need to change health insurance. She will not carry the same insurance that he ex-husband provide for her and the children. Already there is a change in…show more content…
(2007, September). Turning the tide? why development will not stop migration. Development and Change, 38(5), 819-41. Retrieved December 4, 2011 from PXJ6aCZkYj11ZmgmZGI9aTNoJmRiPWVvaCZkYj1laGgmZGI9MjBoJmRiPTI2 aCZkYj04Z2gmZGI9aGpoJmRiPTIyaCZkYj10c2gmZGI9ZjVoJmRiPW1uaCZk Yj1uMmgmZGI9dGZoJmRiPTIxaCZkYj1id2gmZGI9ZTZoJmRiPWUwaCZkYj1z aWgmY2xpMD1GVCZjbHYwPVkmY2xpMT1SViZjbHYxPVkmdHlwZT0wJnNpdGU9 ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d Hale, C. (2011). Demographic trends influencing public health practice. Retrieved December 3, 2011 from Sondag, K.A., & Strike, C. (2010, n.d.). Hiv/aids among american indians/alaska natives living in montana: a descriptive study. American Indian & Alaska Native Mental Health Research: The Journal of the National Center, 18(1), 1-22. Retrieved December 4, 2011 from

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