Dem 203 Essay

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Kimberley Howell DEM 304 Enable rights and choices of individuals with dementia whilst minimising risks 1) Understand key legislation and agreed ways of working that support the fulfilment of rights and choices of individuals with dementia while minimising risk of harm. 1.1) Explain the impact of key legislation that relates to fulfilment of rights and choices and the minimising of risk of harm for an individual with dementia. Key legislation is put into place to ensure that individuals with dementia are treated equally, fairly and that they come to no harm. Ensuring they are treated with dignity and respect, and as they were before they had dementia. Key legislation such as; The disability discrimination act 1995 - An Act to make it unlawful to discriminate against disabled persons in connection with employment, the provision of goods, facilities and services or the disposal or management of premises; to make provision about the employment of disabled persons; and to establish a National Disability Council. Safeguarding Vulnerable groups act 1996 - An Act to make provision in connection with the protection of children and vulnerable adults. Mental capacity Act 2005 - The Act aims to empower and protect people who may not be able to make some decisions for themselves. It also enables people to plan ahead in case they are unable to make important decisions for themselves in the future. Every care worker should be aware of the five key principles from Mental Capacity Act: · Every adult has the right to make his or her own decisions and must be assumed to have capacity to make them unless it is proved otherwise. · A person must be given all
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