Definition of Brother

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Having brothers and sharing brotherhood is one of the best things in the world. A brother is something that I value and cherish greatly. Also, its easy to be able rely on a brother to be there for you or to help you through tough obstacles that you may face in life. A brother is not just someone you are related to through birth or through marriage; it can mean much more. There are many different definitions for the word “brother.” Having a brother can be defined as a fellowship (A fellowship being a friendly relationship/ companionship) and alliance (an alliance is a connection based on kinship or common interest) between two or more people; there is much more to a brother than just that. Brotherhood can provide you with one of the best feelings. Furthermore, it’s very possible to find a brother almost everywhere in your everyday life. When you work with, or are around someone for a while, you will start to develop friendships, which can lead to trust. Being brothers, a feeling of bonding with one another will develop, along with sharing experiences and different events in life. The most common relationship of brothers is between blood brothers. This bond can be one of the strongest bonds in the world. Blood brothers share much more than just a genetic makeup and the same parents. This biological bond holds a sense of belonging between brothers. Blood brothers share a mental bond; both grow up together; therefore spending much time with one another. This mental bond allows a sense of awareness towards each other’s feelings and emotions, allowing them to connect on a much deeper level. Blood brothers also share an emotional bond. They may go through the same experiences, both good and bad allowing them to be able to share their feelings and receive support. Additionally, brothers can also be best friends, and can share just as strong of a bond. Unlike blood

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