Running head: The Role and Life of a Mental Health Counselor The Role and Life of a Mental Health Counselor Mental health counselors provide counseling services for clients that suffer from personal issues (e.g. depression, substance abuse). Mental health counselors are trained to provide psychotherapy, psychological assessments, and diagnosis disorders of a specified population of clients in an individual or group setting, by helping them cope with mental and emotional problems (Erford, 2010). Counselors in the mental health profession are expected to maintain the confidentiality of records relating to the client’s treatment. Mental health professionals practice active listening and encourage the client to express their feelings.
This stage is to help the counselor to identify how the client is functioning socially, academically, occupationally, and behaviorally since the crisis. This stage also helps the both the counselor and client to explore meanings, cognitions, and perceptions. Helps identify distress (emotional distress), ethical concerns such as suicide/homicide assessment, and organic or other medical concerns. Also the uses of therapeutic interactions of educational comments, empowerment statements, support statements, and positive reframes. Using the Cognitive Tree, in Figure 5.1 on p. 80, in your own words, how will you identify the precipitating event, recognize the meaning or perception of the event from the client’s perspective, and identify the distress and other impairments in such a way
Self-harm, suicide and intimate partner violence are examples in which a counselor should be actively assessing levels of safety and risk of a client. When it comes to members of one’s community’s safety being at risk, the community mental health workers and law officials approaches to mentally disabled members should be evaluated. Counselor Safety In the article, A Survey of Safety Training in Rehabilitation Counselor Education Programs by Davis, Schultz, Anderson, and Bartley (2009), the article discusses the importance of safety training including counselor competence in identifying and responding to threatening incidents, communication, critical incident debriefing, and prevention, as well as conflict and lifestyle management. The authors express the importance of infusing safety topics into counselor education programs. An important concern in the counseling and social work field is the counselor or social worker being a target of violence.
This will include my belief that each person deserves to have a careful assessment or initial consultation from therapist to client and after careful consideration of the clients needs and preferences that the most appropriate screed would be used to benefit the client. . I will also discuss two very different hypnotherapists namely Dave Elman and Milton H Erickson. Lastly I will discuss hypnosis and mental health, and the tools that are often used in Hypnotherapy for assessment of a client, and to score an individual, which aids the hypnotherapist in the decision as to which style of screed to use in their clients therapy. Returning to the essay title, analizing the question as
Occupational Therapy Speech 2 Outline Purpose Statement: By the conclusion of my speech, I would like the audience to be informed about what an Occupational Therapist does and what type of education credentials are needed to perform that job. Thesis Statement: Ever wonder how people with disabilities deal with everyday life? How do they take care of their homes? How do they adjust to the work environment? By reading this information you will find out that they learn to deal with these situations with the help of an Occupational Therapist.
One issue that maybe encountered is involuntary group members. Corey, Williams, and Moline (1995) explained that ethically a counselor should advise clients of their rights, privileges and duties, as well as, advise them of any probable concerns they face if they choose to follow treatment. Another issue that may be encountered in group therapy is informed consent, which is extremely important when participation is mandatory. Informed consent is something that all counselors and counselor have to obtain from clients. Fallon (2006) states it is important because certain guidelines have to be followed by the counselor during a session and when a client becomes involuntary this puts the counselor in a comprising position.
Which of the research methodologies from the textbook would you choose to conduct your proposed study? I would choose Clinical psychologist they help people with psychological disorders adjust to the demands of life. The clinical psychologists evaluate problems such as anxiety and depression through interviews and psychological tests. They help clients resolve problems and change self-defeating behaviors. A.
The Role of Supervision Tina Jones Capella University 17535 Madison Avenue Apt. 214 Lakewood, OH 44107 Telephone: 216-712-7013 Instructor: Thomas Kramer, Ph. D. The Role of Supervision The role of supervision is different in every profession like mental health counseling as well as in the simplest aspects of life. In the profession of counseling, there is one aspect of supervision that is the most widely accepted and it is that supervision is a role that is given by a counselor that has the experience in the field of clinical mental health counseling that can be utilized with an individual that is just starting in the field. The relationship is evaluated over time and shows the many areas that are enhanced in regard to the supervisee.
It states that both counseling and clinical psychologists are trained to provide counseling and psychotherapy. In the context of mental health, counseling is generally used to conduct a relatively brief treatment that is focused mostly on behavior. It often targets a particular symptom or problematic situation. The role of the counselor is to offer suggestions and advise for dealing with it. Psychotherapy on the other hand, is generally a longer term which focuses more on gaining an insight into chronic physical and emotional problems.
Sample introductions from first-year essays (psychology) Essay title: Compare and contrast, using examples, how ‘knowing’ something has a different meaning for a psychologist compared to a member of the lay public. Introduction 1: According to the Heinemann English Dictionary, ‘knowing’ something simply means ‘to understand’. However, before actually looking at the difference between knowing something as a lay person and as a psychologist, it is paramount to establish what psychology actually is. The definitions of psychology have changed over its lifetime; nonetheless, it is considered a science which looks at part of human behaviour. Introduction 2: There are many facts in life that all people will lay claim to ‘knowing’.