Dbq Unification Of Italy Between 1830 And 1870

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Between 1830 and 1870 the goal of unification had many different and opposing approaches. The debates included the questions of wether Italy was going to be a Democratic Republic or a Monarchy, or if the Pope was entitled to rule or not. Among that debate their were individuals who did not want Italy to become unified. One of the main debates that surrounded the unification of Italy was wether unification meant the establishment of a Republic or a Monarchy. Mazzini believed in centralized democratic republic based on universal male suffrage and the will of the people. (Doc 1) Mazzini’s opinion can be attributed to the fact that he was exiled from Piedmont in 1831, the fact that he wrote this passage while in exile proves that he unification of Italy was something he truly believed in. Jessie White Mario (Doc 9) agrees with Mazzini saying that every inch of ground won by Italians for Italy in 1848 and 1849 was won by republicans. Mario, being an editor of New York Times was pro independence and anti monarchy because he was trying to please an American reader.…show more content…
(Doc 4) Giuseppe Garibaldi (Doc 12) accepted the monarchy in good faith, asking nothing of it but to improve the conditions of the poor
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