Dbq Japan and India

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DBQ Japan and India In the period from the 1800s to the 1930s, Japan and India both saw a great increase in the use of machines in the textile industry. Both countries had similar recruitment techniques but differed greatly in who the workers were, and their working conditions. Documents 1, 2, and 6 all show the increased use of machines and declined use of handmade items in India and Japan. (Document 1) which is the Indian textiles chart shows how India used more machines to create a greater amounts of pounds and yards from 1884 to 1914. The chart shows that machine-spun yarn became of greater quantities as opposed to hand-spun yarn due to the increase in machines. Also this document shows how the amount of machine-made cloth is quickly catching the amount of hand-woven cloth. (Document 6) “The Indian economist” in 1996 talks of how handwoven cloth makers cannot compete with the machine made cloth makers, and is thusly rapidly declining. This shows India’s step towards a more mechanized cloth industry. Now we can compare Japan’s chart of cotton yarn (Document 2) with India’s cloth textiles. (Document 2) shows that Japan is quickly entering the textile marker by its great increase in pounds of yarn made. This is due to the increased use of machines in Japanese textile making. An additional document would be useful by separating Document 2 in to two documents one being Hand spun yarn and the other being machine spun. It would be easier to compare and accurately account the increase of mechanization in japan’s textile industry. Even though that Japan and India were greatly similar in their increased use of textile factories, documents 7,8,and 10 show that the workers in these factories are different. Documents 8 and 10 are both pictures of an Indian and a Japanese textile mill. The Indian mill (Document 10) shows all male workers, indicating that many more
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