Ap World History Dbq

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DBQ - Comparing the Characteristics of the Mechanization of the Cotton Textile Industry in Japan and India during the Late-19th and early-20th centuries During the period of time from the 1880s to the 1930s, Japan and India both visually perceived a great incrementation of the utilization of machines in the textile industry. Both of these countries had similar recruitment techniques, but differed when it came to who the workers were and where they emanated from, and the working conditions they had in the mill. Documents 1, 2, and 6 all show the incremented utilization of machines in India and Japan. The Indian textiles chart in Document 1 shows how India utilized more machines to create more yarn and cloth in 1914 than in 1884. The chart shows how machine-spun yarn becomes of greater quantities as opposed to hand-spun yarn, as well as how the amount of machine-made cloth is quickly catching the amount of hand-woven cloth, which shows how the utilization of machines is incrementing. The Indian economist in Document 6 from 1916 talks of how hand-woven cloth makers can’t compete with the machine-made cloth makers, and is thusly rapidly declining. This shows India’s step towards more mechanized cloth industry. As an economist, the author of the document may be overstating the rise of mechanization because he has an interest in showing that machines produce more cloth, thus boosting India’s economy. Compared with India’s cloth textiles, Japan’s chart of cotton yarn in Document 2 shows that Japan is rapidly entering the textile market by its great incrementation in pounds of yarn made. This is due to the incremented utilization of machines in Japanese textile making, but since the chart groups have both hand-spun and machine-spun together, an additional document would be a broken down chart that shows Japanese hand-spun and machine spun yarn, as well as hand-woven and
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