Dbq Immigration Essay

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DBQ-Periods 3 and 4 pp.127 “No taxation without representation” originated during the mid-1700 and dealt with the primary grievances of the British colonists in the thirteen colonies. The demand for “no taxation without representation” was to a high extent. It was a motivation and a symbol for democracy in which it led the colonists to become unison and questions the royalty’s demands. The Enlightenment was an idea that encouraged people to think for themselves and question the acts of the royalty. According to Document 2, the colonists themselves cannot be represented in the House of Commons in Great Britain. Although, they couldn’t individually be represented, Section 5 of the Stamp Act Congress states that they could be represented by only one person per colony. Therefore, the ideas that were presented to the people, were thought about and decided by all of them and then the representative would express their decision to the House of Commons. (Document 4). The representative was their way of maintaining the little titled power that they possessed. Even though, this revolt against taxes stirred up tension with the colonists and their higher powers, it exposed them to the idea of democracy because they were attempting on making a decision as a colony and not just by an individual. The Royalty’s main job was to provide protection for the colonies, and those who needed them (Document 1). The British searched for small islands that needed to protection in order for them to take them “under their wing”, which includes the thirteen colonies (Document 6). By acquiring more allies they were able to extend their trade routes. This was one of the points made by Daniel Dulany in Document 3. Even though, trade products were being sent to the colonies, they never had a choice, but inputting taxes into items caused a ruckus because of the lack of consent. Protection meant
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