Boston Tea Party

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THE BOSTON TEA PARTY Throughout the course of history there were many events leading up to the independence of The United States of America. The Boston Tea Party was not the official beginning of the American Revolution, but it was an early, significant event leading to it. The Boston Tea Party was not really a party at all. It was an act of protest. What were the colonists protesting? Their primary grievance was taxation without representation. Various Acts creating laws and taxes were forced upon the colonist by the British government. As new Acts were made or repealed frustrations grew among the colonist leading to the formation of patriotic groups and mumblings of action against the British. Although communication between the King’s representatives and the Crown was slow Britain did react forcefully to the colonist rebellious actions. The Boston Tea Party was considered one of the earliest rebellious actions taken against the Crown. In 1767 the British government enacted the Indemnity Act, which did not last long and was replaced by the Townshend Act. The Townshend Act placed taxes on lead, glass, paper and tea. The most signification of which was the tax on tea; because the colonist drank approximately 1.2 million pounds of tea each year. The only way legal way for the colonist to get their tea was to import it through the British East India Company. The ability of the British government to control importation of tea and to increase the taxes at will to help fund British interest lead the colonist to feel left out. The colonist believed they did not have direct representatives in the British parliament. “Taxation without representation” left them no way to fight taxation and left the British government free to tax the colonist for any amount they saw fit.( taxation without representation) Because of these frustrations it led the colonist
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